Tuesday, 3 January 2012

It could be worst....

On a positive note it could always be worst right?

I was reminded by this over the festive period when looking at some old snaps of me when I was at school. The pic below is a particular gem, taken I imagine around year 9/10 so i reckon I'm 14ish.

I was always a bit of a bully’s wet dream at school and this pic sums it up. Bad hair/dress sense, train track braces, awful glasses and yes you guessed it, rather pudgey. In fact my only real experience of boys at that age was a sloppy kiss at some birthday disco a kid in my class had. I was really happy as I had a huge crush on the boy in question since year 7. Trouble was the next day at school I was subject to lots of laughing and teasing, only to be told by said boy he did it as a joke, much to the other kids amusement. Nice!

But hey typical of my yo yo approach I did grow into my looks a bit more and lost a few pounds by the time I got to Uni. Only for it to return by 23 but then it is called yo yo for a reason!

Just goes to prove thought it could still be that way and I'm sure looking back on it the kids that picked on me never expected me to trim up by 18. It was at this age I had another similar epiphany, standing in the Topshop changing room on Oxford street struggling to fit into any pair of jeans on my "treat" of a birthday shopping trip out. Surrounded by lots of waif like trendy girls. I distinctively remember throwing a rather embarrassing tantrum and chucking all the clothes I had picked up out of the changing room and crying to my mum that I wanted to go home. So much for fun birthday day out.

A few days later I joined a gym and started loosing weight with a bid to "look hot" by the time I got to Uni. It actually kinda worked (see below). Not without hard work I admit. I did become rather over the top on that occasion with my daily weigh ins and copious amounts of steamed fish and veg. But see kids there's hope for us all! If I've done it once surely, despite my over 25, slowing metabolism it's possible to do it again? Right? Positive mental attitude!

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