Friday 6 January 2012


Ekk! So we're now on day 4 and I'll admit it hasn't gone quite according to plan.

I was doing so well on Tuesday and most of Wednesday that actually by Thursday I was ready to eat my own arm i was so hungry. I ended up trying to be "healthy" by eating some Ryvita with "a little" Philadelphia cheese. Only to end up eating half the tub! Opps!

Then due to work being so busy I've given in to what I like to call stress snacking! It's that awful feeling of being slightly stressed and seeing people around you eagerly munching on the Delicious French butter cookies the French natives in the office brought back as "gifts" from their Christmas holiday and then you can't resist any longer and snatch a cookie out the packet as desperately as a crack addict getting their next fix.

I know your plan Frenchies! You want to keep the statistics up that women in the UK are the most overweight in Europe! Women in the UK overweight. Dam you! It seems to be doing a good job with me at least!

Oh well at least it's the weekend now without the dangers of the office. Although without the routine of meal times i must stay focused and avoid the lure of sugary chocolate temptations that lurk in my cupboard left over from the route cause of all my pain. My USA trip! :(

Still luckily I've just seen this article as I'm leaving work: Need any more motivation to hit the gym? Watch the making of the Victoria’s Secret catalogue…  and I'm reminded why I started this who thing in t first place. .. Sigh.... I will look like a Victoria's secret model, I will look like a Victoria's secret model, I will look like a Victoria's secret Model. Maybe if I say it enough it will become true? :)

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