Tuesday 3 January 2012

A little about me

2012 is the year! Or at least this is what I've been telling myself right up until the clock struck midnight on new years eve. (See how bleary eyes I look below welcoming the New Year with my equally tipsy little sister).

So we're now here, 3rd of Jan 2012. Back to work, back to gym. For those of you who know me it will be of no surprise I'm starting the year again with the goal of getting in shape. This time however I really want to keep it off.

You see I'm not delusional in thinking that I'm really that huge. More just a little pudgey as i've like to call it. In all honestly I'm doing much better than a few years ago where during a long term relationship (now ended) a mix of comfort eating and "being happy with myself in the relationship" lead me to gain a total of 2 and a half stone in 4 years. It wasn't until I looked at some rather close up pictures my good intentioned father had taken of me at my Masters graduation ceremony, that i was faced with the harsh reality that my dimples weren't the sole cause of my face looking chubby. :(

The very next day I joined a gym and set off on a mission to loose the weight. Living off of pretty much only soup and taking part in as many classes as i could physically manage, I became an expert in calorie counting and Les Mils class routines. I have to say I actually did remarkably well. I went from 12.5 stone down to 11 stone in around 18 months. Pretty good really. Only trouble was it was a little short lived and due in part to a back injury, a trip to the states (aka the land of evil peanut butter treats) and Christmas I've now regained 3 quarters of a stone! Sigh.... well all is not lost and hence my mission to not only get fit but attempt to get super fit! Aka Victoria's secret model fit! (inspired by my trip to the US, the other end of the scale from evil peanut butter treats). Everyone can have a dream right! :)

On the plus side I am now in a new relationship (thanks to the hard work and weight loss I'm sure). Hopefully I can keep it that way! Wish me luck! :)

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